Independent, Evangelical Churches, together in fellowship and mission.
A Fellowship of Independent Churches
FECA has existed since the 1950’s, with a vision of being a conservative, evangelical brotherhood of churches, intentional about the preaching of the Word of God, and declaration of the never changing Gospel.
Amid social and ecclesiastical shift in unhealthy directions, a band of churches joined arms in 1956, for the “proclamation and defence of the Gospel, for the maintenance of a testimony, pure, steadfast, and nation-wide, to those great facts and revealed truths of historic Christianity, and especially to the great doctrines of the Protestant Reformation” (Motion; FECA Inaugural Meeting, 1956).
To be an Evangelical Church, is to be a Church founded on and centred on the Gospel. “Evangel” means “good news”, and is the root word from which we form the word, “Gospel”. After Paul’s example, an Evangelical Church points everything to and through the finished work of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection (1 Cor 2:2). Doctrinally, it holds to the authority of God’s Word, the grace of God in salvation, and faith being the only instrument by which we receive Christ’s benefits. (See our Statement of Faith for more evangelical doctrine).
We continue to be a network of churches, who see that accomplishing tasks and fulfilling obligations are better done in co-operation than separation. Our annual conference is a key time of fellowship, and teaching.
If you represent a church that seeks fellowship, prioritises the preaching of the Word, proclaims the Gospel, and desires legal, denominational recognition, contact us here!
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
President, Tom Foord: +61 423 205 881
Vice-President, James Kreig: 0202951068