Evangelical Churches, together in Fellowship
Our Vision is to see the Australian Church strong in Biblical conviction, and driven on her mission to preach the Word.
The Fellowship of Evangelical Churches of Australia was founded on the 25th of June 1956 when four Melbourne Churches met to form an alliance to further the preaching of the Word of God in Australia.
At this inaugural meeting, the following motion was recorded:
Believing the times demand the formation of an Australia-wide agency for fellowship and co-operation on the part of Bible believing Christians for the proclamation and defence of the Gospel, for the maintenance of a testimony, pure, steadfast, and nation-wide, to those great facts and revealed truths of historic Christianity, and especially to the great doctrines of the Protestant Reformation; for the accomplishment of tasks which can be better done in co-operation rather than separately, and to facilitate the discharge of the obligations which inhere the Commission of Christ to His Church to make known the Gospel of Christ to every creature; we the appointed representatives of the fellowships above mentioned now establish the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches of Australia according to the agreed constitution.
Since the initial formation of FECA, the fellowship has grown, and we continue as an effective means of strengthening the testimony of evangelical Christians in Australia. We aim to be a stronghold for conservative churches that are found standing firm on the Word of God in ever compromising times.
Why not inquire about joining us?